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Post-it Tabs, .625", Aqua, Lime, Yellow, Red, 10/Color, 40/Dispenser
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Post-it Tabs, .625", Aqua, Lime, Yellow, Red, 10/Color, 40/Dispenser

Product ID: 460418216
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Post-it® Tabs .625 inch size create necessary order by easily sub dividing planners and calendars into sections. Solid color bars give you flexibility to organize by color. Tabs are durable, you can write on them, and reposition as needed. They are also great for planners, binders and file folders. Tabs stick securely and remove cleanly. Aqua, Lime, Yellow and Red. Contains 10 tabs/color and 40 tabs/on the go dispenser. Durable. Writable. Repositionable Post-it Tabs create necessary order by allowing you to easily organize Assorted bright colors give you flexibility to organize by color Tabs are durable, you can write on them, and reposition as needed 10 Tabs/Color, 4 Colors with a total of 40 Tabs/On-the-Go Dispenser Easily create sections in notebooks, planners, binders, textbooks, cookbooks and more Sticks securely, removes cleanly when you are finished using them The dispenser keeps Tabs organized and easy to find Extra thickness prevents wear and tear

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The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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