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CURT 60636 Under-Bed Gooseneck Installation Brackets, Fits Select Ford F-150, F-250, F-350
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CURT 60636 Under-Bed Gooseneck Installation Brackets, Fits Select Ford F-150, F-250, F-350

Product ID: 69259161
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Choosing the right gooseneck hitch is only half the battle in preparing your pickup truck for towing a gooseneck trailer. CURT gooseneck hitches are a premium option in the heavy-duty towing industry, but they are only one of the members in the heavyweight tag team that is CURT gooseneck towing. While a gooseneck hitch gets all the glory above the floor of your truck bed, gooseneck installation brackets provide sure footing and a solid foundation for that oversized gooseneck trailer. Gooseneck installation brackets work by bolting onto the frame of your truck, typically using pre-existing holes. With a set of brackets firmly bolted on, a gooseneck hitch is able to be attached and is given the strength it needs to manage the massive amount of weight of a gooseneck trailer. With so many gooseneck hitch options available from CURT, we wanted to make sure we offered the gooseneck installation products needed to give you a complete towing package. Our installation brackets fit multiple vehicles and hitch heads. This particular set of gooseneck installation brackets is able to work with CURT Double Lock, Quick Goose II and under-bed folding ball gooseneck hitches. It is rated to the vehicle's maximum gross trailer weight capacity and provides a custom fit for certain years of the Ford F150, Ford F250 with old body style or Ford F350 (see application info to verify fitment). With each set of CURT gooseneck installation brackets, we provide the necessary hardware for an easier installation, and we coat our gooseneck brackets in a liquid Bonderite coating to make sure rust and other potential damages are not a problem.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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